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Jul 13, 2024
Tonight: Jewish Leaders to Present at Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky Shloshim Event
An uplifting evening marking the Shloshim of Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM, will take place tonight at Rosa Hall - Campus Chamesh. The event wil

Apr 17, 2024
Judaism on The Offense: Yeshiva Students Receive Front Lines Training To Bring Pesach To The World
With Pesach around the corner, Yeshiva Students heading on Merkos Shlichus participated in a Yom Iyun to gain guidance from veteran Shluchim

May 10, 2019
Bring the Torah to Rural America “Without this program, we wouldn’t have had a Minyan on...

Aug 1, 2016
Ahead of their upcoming assignment, bochurim are trained to excel on Merkos Shlichus
In anticipation of their upcoming Merkos Shlichus assignment, 275 students gathered at the Jewish Children’s Muesum for an intensive...

Apr 20, 2016
Over 300 Cities to Host Merkos Shluchim this Pesach
A passerby may have assumed a major farbrengen was going on as Rabbi Menachem Posner demonstrated the power of a niggun. At the Yom Iyun...

Mar 22, 2016
The Real Test of Merkos Shlichus
On a brisk evening last week, when Purim was more on people’s radar than Pesach, several hundred bochurim gathered at Chabad HQ. The...

Jun 28, 2015
Bringing Judaism to a 1000 Cities and Towns
This summer Merkos shlichus Bochurim will travel to over 1000 cities and towns. Their goal: Meet Jewish people and help bring them closer...

Apr 1, 2015
Bochurim Prepare to Cover Globe
540 Bochurim have boarded flights this week from New York headed to 260 cities worldwide to bring matzah, wine and to run sedorim for the...

Apr 10, 2014
270 Cities to Host Merkos Shluchim this Pesach
As in past years, the Merkos Shlichus office arranged a Yom Iyun for the bochurim traveling to some 270 cities, many without any existing...

Jul 1, 2012
Merkos Shluchim Attend Yom Iyun
Some 400 bochurim heading out on Merkos Shlichus this summer gathered in the Jewish Children Museum Thursday for an afternoon of guidance...
Jun 16, 2011
Picture of the Day
The ‘Merkos Shlichus’ summer program is preparing for its 65th year. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky began interviewing over 400 candidate...

May 18, 2011
Shliach, Need Bochurim for Merkos Shlichus?
‘Merkos Shlichus’ Office pleased to inform that the summer Merkos Shlichus 5771 program will again be available to those Shluchim that...

Apr 17, 2011
Interactive Website Tracks Global Pesach Seder Network
With 650 bochurim heading out on Merkos Shlichus this Pesach to conduct sedorim across the globe, a state of the art website...

Apr 13, 2011
Picture of the Day
Just one hour ago a bus of Bochurim traveling on Merkos Shlichus to Ukraine left 770. After a short stop at the Ohel they went to catch...

Apr 11, 2011
Caring for Every Jew; 650 Buchrim Go on Merkos Shlichus
You’ve scrubbed, cleaned and polished the hall; there isn’t a speck of chometz to be found. As the guests begin pouring in for the Seder,...

Aug 26, 2010
Merkos Shlichus: Chess, Cows and Some Chocolate
By Dovber Grunblatt & Levi Shemtov Meet Gabi, champion of “chess sub-18” in South America. He’s only 11 years old, and he has beaten...

Aug 17, 2010
Merkos Shlichus: The Prime Minister Wants Tefillin
By Dovid Kotlarsky & Shua Greenspan We were in Aruba, a small Caribbean island that is home to about 35 Jewish people. Sunday morning, we...

Aug 16, 2010
Merkos Shlichus: Divine in Providence
By Matisyahu Friedman & Aryeh Leib Laufer Providence, Rhode Island, is home to Jews of many walks of life. This Friday, we made a stop at...

Jun 3, 2010
Picture of the day
The ‘Merkos Shlichus’ summer program is preparing for its 64th year. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky began interviewing over 400 candidate...

Apr 27, 2010
Summer Merkos Shlichus 5770 Registration NOW OPEN!
The Merkos Shlichus office has announced that registration for Merkos Shlichus for Summer 5770 has recently opened. Each summer and...
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