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Yud Beis Tammuz Interview with Rabbi Alter Metzger
Rabbi Alter Metzger is the author of The Heroic Struggle, an account of the arrest and release of the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi...
Jul 14, 2011

Japanese Air Force Chaplain: “The Rebbe Changed my Life.”
Last night, at Lubavitch Youth Organization’s Evening of Tribute commemorating Gimmel Tammuz, Rabbi Marvin Tokayer spoke about his...
Jun 30, 2011

TorahCafe’s Shavuot Webcast: From Sinai to Cyberspace
5 Paths…. 5 Ways to bring Torah into your life this Shavuot! In honor of Shavuot, JLI and TorahCafé are proud to share with you our...
Jun 5, 2011

Video: What Sinai Can Tell Us About Osama?
Tune into this weeks installment of TorahCafé.com’s series, Chassidus and Coffee, featuring Rabbi Ruvi New of Chabad of East Boca,...
May 7, 2011

Yud-Alef Nissan Farbrengen with Rabbi Moshe Feller – LIVE on
As we approach Pesach, it’s hard to tear our minds and hands away from furious cleaning. Yet this shabbos, we will be marking the...
Apr 14, 2011

Video: Insights Into the Haggadah
Each year at Passover we gather with friends and family to recount the tale of our miraculous exodus from the hands of our oppressors....
Apr 14, 2011

Tu B’Shevat Video: Organic Torah
With buzz words like “sustainablitiy,” “going green” and “organic lifestyle” becoming part of our everyday language, we are forced to ask...
Jan 19, 2011

Shlichus: Was it the vision of the Alter Rebbe?
Tonight we mark the yartzheit of the first Chabad Rebbe, the Alter Rebbe. In this unique gathering of Ontario-based shluchim, the...
Dec 30, 2010

Let Chassidus and Coffee warm you up this Sunday
Tune into the third installment of TorahCafé.com’s live streaming shiurim series, Chassidus and Coffee, featuring Rabbi Ruvi New of...
Dec 25, 2010

Tomorrow LIVE: Navigate the Streams of Cyber-Chassidus with Rabbi Ruvi New
TorahCafé.com is thrilled to announce the launch of a new streaming shiurim series, Chassidus and Coffee, featuring Rabbi Ruvi New of...
Dec 18, 2010

Video – Dennis Prager: “Lessons from Chabad”
“There are two awesome aspects to Chabad’s achievements that this ‘outsider’ can affirm. One is inside of Judaism, and one is outside.”...
Dec 14, 2010

Conversations: Free to be Jewish
On Sunday, December 5th – 28th Kislev, Torah Café will be airing its 6th webcast, entitled “Conversations: Free to be Jewish.” The...
Dec 1, 2010

Torah Café Mixes Business and Pleasure
After Tishrei’s marathon of simcha and spiritual elevation, many people findthemselves faced with the daunting task of returning to...
Oct 27, 2010

World Famous Wishes for the New Year
This Erev Rosh Hashanah, tens of thousands of Jews globally were the proud recipients of a unique electronic Shana Tova Card created by...
Sep 15, 2010

Israeli Heads of State Give Message for Rosh Hashana on TorahCafé.com
On Sunday, September 5th (26 Elul) at 2:30 PM, the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute and TorahCafé.com invite you to tune into our Rosh...
Sep 2, 2010

Your Pre-High Holiday Guide in HD
As the academic face of online Jewish video, TorahCafé.com continues to provide the international Jewish community with the opportunity...
Aug 26, 2010

This Shavuot, Receive the Torah in HD
Milk products on Shavuot. Why do we eat them? What goes into making them kosher? How did we become a nation? What does the giving of the...
May 17, 2010

Chief Rabbi to Speak of Captivity in Amman in Shavuot Webcast
On Sunday May 16, 2010, over 20,000 viewers representing the Jewish community from countries around the globe are expected to commune at...
May 10, 2010

Today: Special Pre-Passover Web-Event by JLI
Just twenty four years ago, a refusenik, jailed by the Soviet communist regime for proudly representing Judaism in a country where Jewish...
Mar 21, 2010
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