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Today: Special Pre-Passover Web-Event by JLI

Just twenty four years ago, a refusenik, jailed by the Soviet communist regime for proudly representing Judaism in a country where Jewish activity was a crime, Natan Sharansky was barred from communicating with his concerned Jewish brothers around the globe. Today Sunday (March 21), at 3pm EST, Natan Sharansky, now a powerful figure in Israeli politics and chairman of The Jewish Agency, will address world Jewry in a live pre-Passover webcast entitled “The Courage to be Free.” The event is sponsored by The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute and will be hosted on (no login necessary).

Beginning Monday, March 29, 2009, Jews will celebrate the exodus from Egyptian slavery approximately 3,330 years ago. At the Passover Seder, millions will affirm the millennium-old proclamation, printed in all versions of the Passover Haggadah, “in every generation they stand up against us to destroy us but the Holy One blessed is He saves us from their hands.”


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