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Robust Lineup of Experienced Shluchos To Address New Shluchos Training Seminar

Jewish woman speaking

A two-day seminar for new and aspiring Shluchos will take place in Crown Heights on 4 – 5 Tammuz / July 10 -11. Organized by the New Shluchim Desk at Merkos 302, the summit will feature a wide range of speakers will address a variety of topics to help prepare for this bold life mission. 

For many, moving out on shlichus can be a daunting yet rewarding life choice. Leaving behind family and friends to immerse oneself in The Rebbe’s holy work, often in an unfamiliar place with little to no safety net, requires tremendous commitment.

To demystify this process and inspire confidence in those looking to take this step, a two-day seminar will be held next month. The Yesodos L’hatzlachas Hashlichus seminar from the New Shluchim Desk at Merkos 302, is designed for those seeking a shlichus, those planning to move for shlichus, and those who have moved on shlichus in the past two years.

The inaugural seminar had a significant impact on young Shluchos like Mushkie Loschak, who moved to Montecito, CA shortly afterward. “Each session was well thought out and provided me with many valuable tools and skills for my shlichus. I felt as though I started my shlichus on the right foot. Hearing the Rebbe’s instructions helped me gain the proper perspective, ensuring that our shlichus was set up with a foundation that impacts ourselves, our children, and our community," she said.

The upcoming two-day program will take place in Crown Heights and will include catered breakfast and lunch, and on-site babysitting (early-bird signup necessary). With sessions from 9 am to 6 pm daily, the seminar aims to equip Shluchos with tools to build relationships and communities, along with inspiration and a sense of pride in their newfound mission. A wide range of world-renowned speakers will address a spectrum of shlichus-related topics.

Among them, focusing on the spiritual aspects of shlichus, is Mrs. Leah Rosenfeld, Shlucha to Lake Worth, FL. She will address “Who We Are and What We Are Doing,” emphasizing how to retain a sense of purpose when isolated from the familiar Jewish community setting. Mrs. Chanie Krasnianski, Shlucha in Manhattan, NY, will discuss fostering the correct attitudes for shlichus, emphasizing simcha, bitachon, and similar values.

Addressing the practicalities of shlichus, which are often unfamiliar to new couples, Mrs. Racheli Edelkopf will share her extensive marketing experience for both non-profits and businesses, providing publicity and networking skills to ensure new Shluchim can effectively promote their programs and events.

Rabbi Yosef Shagalow from St. Paul, MN, will offer essential perspectives to support emotional well-being and Shalom Bayis as couples navigate their new shlichus. Recognizing the strain a new venture can cause is crucial for navigating it successfully. He will also discuss healthy internet use, emphasizing its utility for outreach while maintaining necessary boundaries. Further speakers will be announced nearer to the time.

With over 50 Shluchos or prospective Shluchos attending the previous seminar, it reinforced that while shlichus is a journey for each couple, they are never alone. “It was so inspiring to spend a few days with other new Shluchos who are dedicating their lives to the Rebbe’s mission,” said Sheina Caytak, Shlucha to Wellington West, Ottawa.

The seminar will be held in Crown Heights, Wednesday and Thursday 4 – 5 Tammuz/July 10 – 11.

An early-bird discount is being offered until 12 Sivan/June 18. For more information and to register, visit, or email



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