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Inaugural Workshop for New Shluchos Opens For Registration

Building off the momentum of the Yesodos L’hatzlochas Hashlichus Seminar for men, organized by the New Shliach Desk at Merkos 302, a new similar seminar for women has been created.

If you are about to move on shlichus, are actively seeking a shlichus position, are thinking about shlichus as an option for your family, or have moved on shlichus within the past two years, the Yesodos L’hatzlachas Hashlichus Seminar is an incredible opportunity and learning experience for you.

The three-day program is geared specifically for women entering the unique role of a shlucha. It aims to empower women with knowledge, tools, and inspiration to give them the confidence to succeed in their shlichus.

Merkos has hosted a similar workshop for men for the past three years and is now extending the program to women as well.

“Preparations are underway for an enjoyable, relatable, and informative seminar,” says Mrs. Stery Goldberg, the women’s seminar director. “Each session will be packed with essential topics for every new shlucha.”

The seminar is divided into hour and a half long sessions, each given by experienced Shluchos, mechanchos, and experts in their respective areas. The seminar focuses on the fundamental mindsets necessary before embarking on this crucial mission of the Rebbe, and how they apply to various situations that come up as a shlucha.

“The importance of building a proper foundation before setting out on shlichus is invaluable,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch. “We hope this ‘Yesodos’ seminar will be a pivotal step in giving the new generation of Shluchos the tools they need to build a thriving shlichus.”

The sessions cover the particular qualities that a woman contributes to her shlichus, how to ensure that one’s programs are in sync with the Rebbe’s standards, how to remain inspired and connected, how to maintain a balance between family life and shlichus, creating a support system in line with the Rebbe’s vision, specific halachic scenarios and questions that often come up, and more.

The topics and content have been selected by a Vaad of Rabbanim and an advisory board of experienced Shluchos.

“Starting out on shlichus can be very overwhelming,” says Mrs. Miriam Lipskier, shlucha to Emory University and member of the advisory board, “I wish I had a seminar like this before I started. It will give our new shluchos confidence, knowing they have a great direction and starting point for their shlichus.”

The seminar will be held in Crown Heights, from Sunday Daled Tamuz until Tuesday, Vav Tamuz, July 3 – 5.

An early-bird discount is being offered until Yud Gimmel Sivan, June 12. For more information and to register, visit, or email



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