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Foundational Seminar for New Shluchim to Take Place This Summer

“How did anyone ever go out on shlichus before this? Did they really have to reinvent the wheel each time? What did they do when they encountered a challenge that felt too big to handle?”

These are the type of questions young new shluchim ask themselves and each other upon completing the Yesodos L’hatzlachas Hashlichus seminar offered by The “New Shluchim” Desk at Merkos 302. And it’s not only the new shluchim participating as students; the veteran shluchim offering the lectures and presentations say much the same thing. “I only wish we would’ve had such a seminar when we first started our shlichus,” said Rabbi Zalman Marcus, veteran shliach to Mission Viejo, CA who presents at the seminar. “It’s practical; it’s useful; it’s essential – it’s a gift!”

The sentiment is entirely justified. After all, the class of shluchim has burgeoned well beyond the small, niche group it was when the Rebbe first started sending young couples across the world. As a vast, diverse, and eminently experienced cohort of six thousand, the collective wisdom, information, and guidance the shluchim possess is an endless treasure. Virtually every question, situation, or nugget of wisdom that could be was experienced by someone, somewhere, at least one time.

So why not tap into this treasure chest and avoid countless young men and women from reinventing the wheel? Why not collect this priceless guidance and start these new shluchim well ahead of the game?

Yesodos L’hatzlachas Hashlichus seminar is the answer to these questions. Speakers from around the country share their insights on a wide variety of shlichus topics such as the role of a shliach, strategic planning, fundraising, maintaining an upbeat attitude, the importance of continuously learning chassidus, forming cordial employer-employee relationships, and practical halachic advice for the wide variety of scenarios that emerge in a Chabad House.

And that’s just part of the list.

“The benefits of integrating a proper foundation when going on Shlichus is invaluable,” says Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. “Our goal with this seminar is to prepare the new shluchim with insights shared by shluchim with years of experience applying the Rebbe’s hora’os and guidance to all aspects of their shlichus.”

“The seminar was incredibly impactful,” said Rabbi Mendel Fischer of Augusta, GA, “I value what I learned now, and I expect to value it more and more as my shlichus develops. Much thanks goes to those who created this powerful resource!”

This year’s seminar for men will take place from Monday, 27 Av through Thursday, 30 Av 5783 (August 14-17, 2023) in Park Slope, Brooklyn. The seminar for women will take place Sunday, Vov Tammuz through Tuesday, Ches Tammuz 5783 (June 25-27) in Crown Heights.

For more information, see



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788 Eastern Parkway Suite 302 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

718-467-4400  |


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