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JewQ Ultimate Champions Winners Proclaimed at Finale Event

These kids learned about their Jewish heritage. They studied the material over and over again in their free time. They took tests and passed with flying colors. And now, after competing live onstage at the JewQ International Torah Competition, they are honored with the title of JewQ Ultimate Champion!

“We couldn’t be more proud of every champion,” says Rabbi Zalmy Loewenthal, CKids director, “but these winners pushed through until the final moments.”

Yesterday’s final game show was the culmination of the highly-anticipated JewQ Shabbaton attended by both parents and children. The weekend was full of exciting trips, meaningful meals, and a special program just for parents.

The game show, held at the ballroom of the Hyatt Regency in Princeton, New Jersey, featured a decked-out stage where 110 Hebrew School kids competed live to represent their schools in front of hundreds of people in the audience and thousands watching online. Master of Ceremonies Yehoshua Lustig kept the event moving, while singer Rabbi Shmuel Marcus kept the audience entertained and inspired throughout. “My children worked so hard to get here, and they had an incredible time,” says a parent of three JewQ Champions from Scottsdale, AZ. “They are so proud of their medals.”

“List the 13 beliefs fundamental to the Jewish people.” Kids raced against the clock to answer questions that measured how well they mastered all the information from their Living Jewish textbooks. The highly competitive atmosphere kept the judges on their toes the entire event—Judge Ruchie Freier, Professor Eve Krakowski, and Mrs. Mushky Loewenthal.

“Watching the children’s mastery of Jewish knowledge live was absolutely inspiring,” says Rabbi Mendel Raskin, director of JewQ International.

When the Ultimate JewQ champions were announced, the crowd erupted in applause. Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, announced the champions, the kids who got the highest scores out of thousands of other kids who studied. “How special to watch the CKids revolution,” he said, before announcing the names.

Mazal Tov to the JewQ Ultimate Champions:

3rd grade: Yuval Dobzinski, Chabad Hebrew School of Boca Raton, Florida

4th grade: Avery McMullen, Chabad Hebrew School of Northern Delaware County

5th grade: Ezra Kovsky, Chabad Hebrew School of Main Line, Pennsylvania

6th grade: Noah Guzman, Yad Menachem, Brooklyn New York

7th grade: Chana Blois, Chabad Hebrew School of Milford, Massachusetts

The JewQ Championships were made possible by the JewQ team at Merkos 302

Rabbi Dovid Weinbaum of DW Productions – Executive Producer

Rabbi Shneur Nejar – Consultant Producer

Rabbi Zalman Koval – Show Content

Chaya Zirkind – Assistant Producer

Shlomo Aharon Sharfstein – Production Manager

Avremi Pink – Logistics

Chaya Zirkind – Assistant Producer

Mussie Dubov – Show Director

Doba Richler- Stage Manager

Shaina Ezagui – Stage Manager

Mushkie Pink – Gameshow Designs

Missed the event? Watch the recap here!

Photos by Itzik Roitman and Sholem Srugo:



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