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IDT Headquarters Hosts the CYP Summit

Four years ago, Chabad Young Professionals consisted of a mere ten center scattered across the globe. Today, this thriving network encompasses more than eighty communities of Jewish millennial connection and engagement worldwide.

Without central funding, but with long-term commitment from local shluchim, couples dedicated to bringing vibrant Judaism to every Jew, Chabad Young Professionals is emerging as one of the most rapidly growing networks in the Jewish community. With a holistic approach that nurtures mind, body, and soul, CYP provides a vast network for post-college millennials to further their entrepreneurial endeavors and life goals, while finding connection within the greater Jewish community.

Each chapter is co-created by men and women in their twenties of all affiliations and backgrounds and their local CYP shluchim, who are committed to growing and strengthening their local young Jewish community.

The Rebbe did not create followers, the Rebbe created leaders. Leaders who are able to then go further and create leaders. In doing so CYP recently hosted its 3rd annual leadership summit for men which took place during the International shluchim conference (The women’s leadership summit will take place during the International shluchim convention in February). The goal of the event was to bring together both shluchim and their young leaders to create a global community of changemakers who help each other strengthen and expand their local young Jewish communities.

The event was hosted by Mr. Howard Jonas – Founder and chairman of IDT corp and his son Mr. Shmuel Jonas the CEO of IDT Corp. The Jonas’s were flanked by fellow global business leaders and major Chabad supporters Mr. Eduardo Elsztain and Mr. David Morris, who shared their business and philanthropic advice with the young leaders.

The success of this joint model, with shluchim and shluchos working closely with their young communities, will be seen today on December 4th at 2 pm, with over 3,000 young Jewish professionals expected to join forces in a united day of action and giving. Each local community set goal amounts spanning $18K-$300K to support their local chapter with a collective goal of more than $2,000,000. The campaign will unite givers around one vision, mobilizing young Jews to continue to take an active role in their vibrant young Jewish communities.

The majority of funds propelling this initiative will be raised from millennials and by millennials in support of the future of their young Jewish community.

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A branch of Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters
788 Eastern Parkway Suite 302 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

718-467-4400  |


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