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98,000 Hachlatos and Counting!

The global Matana of Chassidim worldwide has accumulated to nearly 100,000 Hachlatos, building on inspiration from Yud Alef Nissan events around the world.

Packed from sidewalk to sidewalk with Chassidim, inspiration ran high on Eastern Parkway last night at the Mega Yud Alef Nissan celebration. Men, women, and children enjoyed captivating speakers, powerful videos of the Rebbe, and beautiful nigunim. To help carry over the tremendous energy of the moment into daily life, a Matana to the Rebbe from Chassidim was suggested. Participants submitted practical Hachlatos to the Matana120 campaign, a project powered by from Merkos 302, uniting Lubavitcher communities all over the world by taking on hachlatos for the Rebbe’s birthday. The campaign page quickly filled up, amassing over 95,000 hachlatos by the end of the event.

“Take out your phones, go to, and submit your Hachlata,” Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, Vice-chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, passionately implored the crowd. “The Rebbe constantly quoted the Rambam saying that our next single act can be the one to tip the scale and bring Moshiach. Our greatest present to the Rebbe will be our collective Hachlatos tipping the scale and fulfilling the Rebbe’s dream of a world in a state of Kulo Zachai.”

Similar gatherings of Lubavitch Chassidim in Brazil, Argentina, Toronto, South Florida, Los Angeles, and Monsey produced identical results. At each location, speakers encouraged the crowds to translate the inspiration of the occasion into action, a simple Hachlata, to take away from the special day of Yud Alef Nissan.

Each community has its own page, tracking the hachlatos made by Chassidim in the area throughout Yud Alef Nissan. Including Lubavitcher communities in Southern Ontario, Rockland County, Los Angeles, Monsey, Coral Springs, Arizona and West Hartford have all committed to thousands of Hachlatos before the day has even begun!

Join the global gift to the Rebbe and submit your hachlata at



A branch of Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters
788 Eastern Parkway Suite 302 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

718-467-4400  |


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