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Dec 31, 2015
First CKids ‘Grow’ Course is a Great Hit
Children naturally want to learn and grow, and CKids’ new GROW enrichment programs are designed to inspire kids to become the best people...

Dec 28, 2015
Kinus Hashluchus Banquet back at the Armory
In an exciting move, the Kinus Hashluchos Gala Banquet on Sunday, January 31, (21 Shevat) will take place at the massive 69th Regiment...

Dec 25, 2015
Can you host a Shlucha?
With the Kinus Hashluchos just one month away, the Kinus office has begun receiving numerous calls from shluchos who very much anticipate...
Dec 24, 2015
December 25 from a Jewish perspective
The hidden history and what the Chazal have taught us about this date. Live stream broadcast at the Miami Torah Experience, a division of...

Dec 23, 2015
MyShliach Mivtzoim Contest Winners Announced
The winning photos of MyShliach’s annual Mivtzah Chanukah Photo Contest have just been released, following three grand raffle drawings of...
Dec 21, 2015

Dec 20, 2015
8th Day and CTeen join for Music Video
CTeen – The Chabad Teen Network, and Chasidic rock group 8th Day have teamed up to produce a brand new exciting music video, set to 8th...
Dec 17, 2015
CTeen Vaad Votes to Keep Shabbaton In Crown Heights
“To stay or to go?” was the question that puzzled organizers of the International CTeen Shabbaton ever since the conclusion of last...
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