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Special Grants Will Bring Dozens of New CYP Shluchim to Europe

A rare opportunity: Chabad Young Professionals, a division of Merkos Suite 302, has launched a special initiative with the assistance of the Meromim Foundation * New grants will become available to finance the departure of new shluchim to Europe * The new shluchim will focus on European Jewish young professionals between the ages of 22-39

The Rebbe’s Shluchim throughout Europe and Israel recently received a special announcement from the Vice-Chairman of the ‘Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch’, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, about the establishment of new Chabad Houses throughout Europe, dedicated to outreach activity aimed at young adults.

This extraordinary venture seeks to duplicate the success of CYP – Chabad Young Professionals in one hundred and fifty centers across the United States and the rest of the world. Dozens of new Chabad houses aimed at this specific target audience will be established across Europe. CYP’s remarkable growth, as well as the new initiative for Europe, are made possible thanks to the partnership with the Meromim Foundation under the direction of Rabbi Benzi Lipsker, who considers the CYP an essential lifeline of Yiddishkeit for young Jews in today’s secular world.

“This is a special opportunity for the veteran shluchim in Europe,” says Rabbi Beryl Frankel, Director of CYP international, “to bring more shluchim to their city and continue the momentum and connection that they have cultivated with graduates of Cteen and Chabad on Campus over the years, even after their graduation. It is also an opportunity for young couples who would like to go on Shlichus to establish new Chabad houses in Europe and bring the light of Judaism to all corners of the globe.”

“These young adults are in a very significant stage, the choices they make can affect the entire trajectory of their lives. They are thirsty for Yiddishkeit, need guidance and good advice. It takes an especially dedicated Shliach and Shlucha to be there for all their physical and spiritual needs.” explains Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, director of ‘Merkos 302’, under whose auspices CYP operates.

To apply for a grant and more details, the shluchim in Europe, as well as couples interested in moving on shlichus, visit us at



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788 Eastern Parkway Suite 302 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

718-467-4400  |


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