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Mitzvah Society Ambassadors of Light

While social interactions may be limited, Mitzvah Society seeks to make the ones we do have more meaningful and impactful.

For David, there was an opportunity to share light with community members who were unable to participate in any traditional holiday celebrations.

For Jarret, there was a box that contained everything his family needed to celebrate the holidays in a meaningful way.

For Rabbi Mendy Teldon, there was a way of expanding the reach and activities of Chabad during these challenging times.

This year the High Holidays were transformed for David, Jarret, Rabbi Mendy, and hundreds more around the world.

Mitzvah Society is dedicated to empowering every Jew and every interaction with the joy and beauty of a MItzvah. Over the High Holidays, thousands of High Holiday Kits were distributed by Shluchim and Ambassadors, uniting together to make sure every Jew had the opportunity to experience the High Holidays in their home.

With Chanukah approaching, Mitzvah Society is launching two programs to ensure every Jew can experience the light, warmth, and beauty of the holiday no matter their circumstances.

The Ambassadors of Light campaign challenges community members to share the meaning, message, and mitzvah of the menorah with their friends and colleagues, sharing the light – and in effect – becoming a light in their community and interactions.

Community members are encouraged to share beautifully designed menorah kits with their friends and acquaintances. Each menorah kit contains a redesigned menorah with clear instructions, allowing the light of the Chanukah to spread exponentially.

The Chanukah Experience: Party Kits allows community members to host chanukah celebrations in their own home, inviting their friends and pod together to enjoy a meaningful and engaging holiday party.

Each kit contains a menorah, dreidel, chocolate coins, children’s activity kit, discover chanukah booklet, and recipe card that will allow all members of the family to enjoy the holiday of Chanukah.

Additionally, Mitzvah Society is proud to be partnering with JLI, providing a special edition JLI Chanukah Course to educate community members about the holiday of Chanukah – encouraging them to further share the inspiration of the holiday.

For David, and other Mitzvah Ambassadors like him, there is now an opportunity to become a beacon of light – to see the look of joy on the recipients of these powerful mitzvah kits.

For Jarret, and other community members like him, there is now an opportunity to celebrate Chanukah in the safety of their home – with activities and commentary that will uplift and inspire.

For Rabbi Mendy Teldon, and Chabad Shluchim across the world, there is now an opportunity to touch every Jew in their community with the warmth and beauty of Chanukah – reaching Jews they otherwise would not be able to.

This year, the Chanukah experience will be transformed for even more Ambassadors, Rabbis, and community members – both affiliated and unaffiliated – around the world.

This Chanukah, let us revolutionize the way we spread the mitzvos of the holiday, empowering our community to become sources of light in their own right. This is the message of Chanukah; the great power of light and its far reaching effect. It only took one small jug of oil to start the miracle of Chanukah. It only takes one interaction to continue the miracle today. Get a Menorah, give a menorah. Gift a light and become a light.

To join Mitzvah Society and gift a Menorah Kit or Chanukah Kit to someone you know please visit

To learn more about Mitzvah Society, or to join as a community or Ambassador please visit


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