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Mid-Atlantic Shluchim Unite at Regional Kinus

On Rosh Chodesh Elul, 70 shluchim from the Mid-Atlantic region [New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia and W. Virginia] came together for their annual regional Kinus Hashluchim, hosted by Silver Spring, Maryland shluchim Rabbi and Mrs. Berel Wolvovsky at their Chabad House.

The morning session featured an idea-sharing roundtable discussion regarding new fundraising methods, with shluchim presenting approaches that work well in their respective mosdos. During lunch, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen of Potomac, Maryland, a primary supporter of Chabad in Maryland and a friend to many shluchim worldwide, shared the story of his journey to Chabad Chassidus, as well as helpful marketing tips to assist shluchim in reaching varied demographics of Jews.

In preparation for the upcoming Hakhel year, Rabbi Yossi Greenberg, shliach to Anchorage, Alaska, described the unique happenings during Shnas Hakhel 5748 by the Rebbe. Shluchim were encouraged to learn the sichos of 5748 and implement the Rebbe’s directives for Shnas Hakhel in their respective communities. Rabbi Levi Shemtov of Washington, DC then shared his insights with regard to how shluchim should interact with politicians. He described the great opportunities that are available as well as the potential pitfalls that must be avoided.

During the next session, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky, vice-chairman of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, spoke passionately about the importance of personal hiskashrus. Rabbi Shais Taub of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania then demonstrated various ways to deliver the Rebbe’s messages to all types of Jews throughout the Yomim Nora’im. Rabbi Shraga Sherman of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania spoke very movingly about his Tishrei experiences by the Rebbe and how he tries to relive them while at his shlichus post. The final afternoon session was an intimate discussion on a variety of topics including the Chassidishe chinuch of their children and collaboration amongst the region’s shluchim.

The kinus concluded with an elegant banquet chaired by the host, Rabbi Berel Wolvovsky. Following an inspirational video of the Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, regional director of Chabad of Maryland, welcomed everyone and introduced a longtime friend, Mr. Marty Jacobs of Silver Spring. Mr. Jacobs shared many personal stories of the interactions of his father-in-law, Rabbi Yankel Katz of Chicago, with the Frierdiker Rebbe and Rebbe. Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky closed the evening with encouraging remarks and warm brochos to the shluchim. Participants returned home invigorated and encouraged by the day spent with their fellow shluchim.



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