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Kollel Releases New Comprehensive Pesach Halachah Guide

As Jews worldwide prepare for Pesach, kashering and toiveling utensils, cleaning kitchens, and preparing for the Sedorim, Halachic questions are bound to crop up. To aid in addressing these issues with clarity, Merkos 302’s Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad has released a comprehensive guide to these halachos by Harav Gedalia Oberlander.

Throughout the past month Kollel members have been working together with Rabbi Oberlander to accurately translate his various halachic works. Meticulously compiled from the Shulchan Aruch and Poskim, the guide addresses unique scenarios as well as the common queries that arise this time of year. Extensive Hebrew footnotes accompany the English text, allowing the more advanced student to further research the sources.

“A large part of the Kollel’s mission is to raise the bar of Halacha study and make it accessible to more people,” says Rabbi Betzalel Bassman, Menahel of the Kollel. “As such, rather than a simplified guide for these halachos, the thorough footnotes allow a more advanced student to look up the sources and discussion behind a said Halacha.” The 8-year virtual Kollel under the auspices of Beis Midrash LeShluchim at Merkos 302 aims to empower current and aspiring Rabbanim with an advanced understanding of Halacha and Hora’ah.

“I am delighted to present this guide to Shluchim and Anash,” said Rabbi Gedalia Oberlander. “Pesach is a time of freedom and celebration, and with this guide, I hope to simplify the process of Kashering one’s Kitchen and the dinim of Leil HaSeder in the most mehudar way possible, as well as providing students the opportunity to delve deeper into the sugyas should they wish.”

“The Kollel provides a space for aspiring Chabad Rabbonim and Shluchim to master the Halachos that will arise in their Shlichus,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302. “This guide is a prime example of how educating true Talmidei Chachomim greatly impacts the entire community, enabling all to grow together.”

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