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Kinus Hashluchim 5777: Executive Vaad Meets

Last week the executive Vaad of Kinus Hashluchim had their first meeting to start planning the 5777 Kinus that will take place 7 months from now, on 22-27 Cheshvan, 5777 (November 23-28, 2016).

The Kinus, becomes the highlights of the year for Shluchim all over the world as well as the hundreds of thousands of people who watch it and are affected by it.

During the meeting, the Vaad covered all aspects of the Kinus from registration, food, workshops and a trip to the Ohel, to general sessions, group photo, the gala banquet and many other essentials. These discussions were based primarily on experiences and feedback from a survey collected by the Kinus Office at the end of last year’s conference with personal requests and suggestions from hundreds of Shluchim.

In the months to follow, the Vaad will announce the new and exciting changes to this year’s Kinus.


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