In honor of Yud Alef Nissan, JNet has partnered with Rabbi Avrohom Katz from to lead a mivtza whereby participants learn a Maamar on Pesach from Lekutei Torah as a birthday gift to the Rebbe.
To participate, simply go to the to download the booklet, which has also been distributed in shuls in Crown Heights this Shabbos. After learning the Maamar, text your Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name to 347-770-JNet (5638) or fill out the form on the website to be included in a duch and prize drawing. You will also have the opportunity to answer some questions on the Maamar and share a lesson or message you learned.
The winner will be announced on Thursday, Yud Gimmel Nissan (April 18), on JNet’s website and Facebook page.
May the merit of our learning strengthen our commitment and connection to the Rebbe and his directives, and bring Moshiach speedily in our times.
JNet provides one-on-one learning on the phone or online for half an hour a week to people all over the world. Know someone who would be interested in learning or supporting Torah learning? Tell them to go to or call us at 347-770- JNet (5638). JNet is a division of Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch and was established with a generous grant from The Rohr Foundation.