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Feb 27, 2017
Respite and Recharge for Shluchim Parents of Children with Special Needs
Shluchim to the Southeastern region of the US raising children with special needs gathered for three days of relaxation and education in...

Sep 4, 2015
‘Yaldei’ Hosts their 8th Regional Retreat in S. Diego
A life of Shlichus can often feel like a solitary one. Living far from friends, family and established frum communities is a hard enough...

Jul 22, 2015
Yaldei Shluchei HaRebbe Holds 2nd Annual BBQ
A warm night in Brooklyn, a bunch of guys, some beer and a delicious BBQ. Sounds like a perfect night, and it was. Not only was Yaldei’s...

May 28, 2014
First ever SibClix shabbaton
What do 5 girls from California, Florida, New York and Arizona have in common? They are all sisters of children with special needs who...
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