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Prime Minister Trudeau Encourages CKids Unity Event

On Sunday, February 12, CKids International hosted a Day of Unity, bringing together children from ten communities across the greater Toronto area.

Families gathered at the Chabad Lubavitch Community Center at 770 Chabad Gate, Thornhill, as students of each Hebrew School joined in celebration of Jewish identity, pride, education, and the power of children to make a difference.

“It was incredible to see such a large gathering of children from across the greater Toronto area—and beyond—despite the snow storm. No doubt the event will continue to inspire all these children long after they return home,” described Rabbi Zalman Grossbaum, Head Chabad Shliach of Toronto.

“For children to see a huge room full of other kids, just like them—who also go to Hebrew School, daven, and say brachot. And not just to see it, but be a part of it, it’s amazing,” added Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive director of Merkos suite 302.

The event was sponsored by Mr. Howard Katz and Linda Rojas-Saiet and families. Festivities began with an ice-breaker game of “I Spy Mitzvah Land.” Greetings and blessings soon followed from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose letter of encouragement was read by Mr. Katz. Highlights also included the Aristov Family Circus and a grand raffle.

“I was very honored to be part of CKids event with Linda Rojas-Saiet and family yesterday,” shared Mr. Katz. “Together, we celebrated and created achdus throughout the Jewish communities from as far away as Barrie and Aurora.” He continued, “It was especially moving to share the moment with the kids from ‘Circle of Care.’ Yashar koach to the organizers!”

With chapters in 106 locations throughout the globe, CKids deepens Torah’s message for children of all ages and backgrounds, revealing the fun and meaning that can be found in learning and living. The Unity Event provided an opportunity for chapter leaders to broaden their support network and for the children to see that they are indeed part of a larger movement that truly can change the world.


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