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OneMitzvah Releases New Chanukah Campaign Templates

The mitzvah-raising platform from Merkos 302,, is offering a new method to encourage more mitzvahs and spread the light of Chanukah.

As Chanukah approaches, preparations for the yomtov are taking center stage in communities around the world. With public menorah lightings being arranged and fun family Chanukah parties being planned, the message of a little light pushing away much darkness is slowly being felt.

In this spirit, OneMitzvah has released two new campaign templates specifically geared to spreading light. These templates, both Chanukah themed, have their own unique vibe and focus on encouraging others to commit to doing Chanukah mitzvahs. One template challenges participants to spread light with catchy slogans like “How many flames can you ignite?” and “Let there be light!” The other challenges participants to Be a Maccabee. Campaign mitzvahs include lighting the menorah, giving out menorah kits, attending a public menorah lighting, and sharing the mitzvah of Chanukah with others.

Shluchim launching Ambassador of Light initiatives can use the OneMitzvah Chanukah campaign platform to help their ambassadors track their efforts and see the collective impact they are having as a whole. CKids, CTeen, and youth directors can start Chanukah campaigns to encourage children and their families to light each night, and get their friends and family to light as well. Family Chanukah parties can become incredible opportunities for bonding and growth with OneMitzvah pre-Chanukah campaigns, celebrating everyone’s accomplishments of spreading light at the party itself. Social media influencers can start campaigns asking followers to commit to a Chanukah mitzvah, or better yet, asking them to become ambassadors of light and start their own campaigns, and then share their experiences.

“The goal is to exponentially spread light in whichever way you can,” says Rabbi Shlomie Naparstek, OneMitzvah director at Merkos 302. “The power of each Chanukah light is infinite. This Chanukah, let’s light up the night!”

Campaigns are quick and easy to set up.

Visit for all the info.

For any assistance with your campaign, the OneMitzvah team is here to help. Email or call +1 (646) 838-1886.


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