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One Shabbat One World Happening in 3 Weeks!

Our sages say that Shabbos is a taste of the World to Come.  Turning the World to Come into the World of Here and Now is the goal One Shabbat, One World weekend, sponsored by the International Moshiach Campaign.

According to Rabbi Chaim Hershkowitz, director of the Moshiach Campaign, the One Shabbat One World is unique.  “Dedicating a Shabbat to Moshiach energizes shluchim and their communities to do everything they can to hasten the Geula, and uniting with participants all over the world makes the experience that much more powerful!  It is truly a taste of Moshiach’s time in our days.”

“This year will be the 6th annual OSOW in our community and we are looking forward to an inspiring shabbaton with Mrs. Molly Resnick of NYC” Rabbi Mendel Matusof of Chabad of Alberta Canada told us.Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz of Lubavitch Center of Essex County agrees “This is an easy way to make the world a better place” Last year, 345 shluchim signed up for One Shabbat One World.  This year, event organizers are hoping for a 30% increase in the number of shluchim involved.  To that end, they have prepared a complete One Shabbat One Work package that includes postcards, flyers, sermons, games for children, even special challah covers and napkins.

Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, member of the Moshiach Campaign, states, “Discussing Moshiach in a warm Shabbos atmosphere naturally promotes acceptance, understanding, and anticipation.  It’s the perfect opportunity to talk about perfecting the world.”

This year ‘One Shabbat One World’ will take place, G-d willing, on Shabbos Parshas B’shalach, January 14-15 | 9-10 of Shvat.  To sign up, visit



A branch of Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters
788 Eastern Parkway Suite 302 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

718-467-4400  |


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