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Chabad Lending Library Network Launched In Honor Of Hei Teves Bringing Jewish Books To Communities Worldwide

What began as a call to action from the Rebbe in 1972 over 50 years ago, has been implemented to revolutionize Jewish libraries everywhere. Launched in honor of Hei Teves, visitors to home of the Chabad Lending Library Network are greeted by an interactive world map, where they can locate the nearest library, and get in touch.

Launched as a bold commitment to establish new Jewish libraries by Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky at the Kinus Hashluchim in 2021, resources have been provided to Shluchim, including over 100,000 books included in starter library packages, library resources, discounts, an inventory management system, marketing resources, and more, to ensure meaningful experiences in as many places as possible. 

With libraries in hundreds of cities worldwide, chances are there’s either one close to you, or one on the way very soon. Whether you’re looking for a book on Hasidic teachings to warm your soul in the cold winter of St. John’s, Newfoundland, a Jewish storybook to entertain your kids on the coasts of Netanya, or a Kosher cookbook to impress your friends in Cape Town, South Africa, there’s a library for you. 

At a Vov Tishrei farbrengen in 1972, the Rebbe encouraged his followers to open lending libraries of Jewish books, promoting Jewish education to people of all ages and abilities. Fast forward to 2021, Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky OBM, the Rebbe’s footman, made a bold announcement that 360 new libraries in communities without one would be established. And with the help of Keren Hashluchim, this commitment has been made a reality. 

“The Rebbe’s vision for a library in every community is more important now than ever,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302. “Despite so much of our daily lives going digital, people still seek the connection only a physical in-person book and library environment can bring. For Jews everywhere, grappling with their identities, there’s nothing more comforting than sitting with a real book delving into their heritage at their own pace.”

Over the past few years, over 360 communities have received custom book packages, coordinating with the team at Merkos 302, shluchim picked books that would suit their own community’s needs. Chabad Shluchim around the world provide Jewish communal infrastructure aiming to ensure every last Jew has a place to call home. This includes community centers, synagogues, care homes, and schools, all of which are enhanced by a lending library.

For Rabbi Avi Shlomo, Principal of the Cape Town Torah High School and an early recipient of the library grants, “The library has been an incredible gift to our school. We have teens and teachers using the books daily—preparing divrei Torah, using them for classes and chavrusos—and it has breathed new life into many of our learning programs! Kids are meeting and engaging with Chassidim of old, Chassidus, deep Torah philosophy, Sichos, and more,” he said.

“Our goal was to actualize the Rebbe’s vision of transforming the age-old lending library into something more accessible and helpful for Jews of all stripes, all over the world,” says Rabbi Chaim Feigelstock, coordinator of the Chabad Lending Libraries Network at Merkos 302. “After working with publishers to secure bulk orders, donors to make it all happen, and Shluchim to host libraries in their Chabad houses, we are proud to announce this project and continue to upscale it more.”

As Chassidim worldwide celebrate Hei Teves by purchasing books and immersing themselves in Torah study, the Chabad Lending Libraries Network invites everyone to be part of this movement. Shluchim can launch their local library today by visiting

Everyone can participate by partnering with the library network,  to bring the light of Torah books to millions of Jews in Chabad House communities worldwide and fulfill the Rebbe’s directive to establish Jewish libraries to every community, visit


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