Campus Shlichus has always been based on home and family. Shluchim host Chabad events in their own private homes, ranging from minyanim, classes and gatherings to Friday night Shabbat meals. All members of the family, both parents and children, have a vital role in the success of the campus Chabad House. In fact, the kids usually make the spirit of the Chabad House come alive in their own unique way.
On Monday, Chai Sivan (June 20), the 10th Annual Chabad on Campus International Kinus will open at the Hudson Valley Resort in upstate New York. This year the conference will be held for four days and will host over 250 Shluchim and Shluchos, and 300 children. Organizers say their goal is “to involve the entire family in the shared work of Shlichus.”
“During the four days of the Kinus there will be two tracks – one for Shluchim and another for Shluchos, as well as two camps for the children – one for girls and one for boys,” says Rabbi Yossy Gordon, Executive Vice-President of Chabad on Campus International Foundation, which hosts the Kinus.
“The fact that all family members are part of the Shlichus on campus means that the Kinus must be for the whole family; parents and children. The camps cater specifically to the needs of the young Shluchim, many of whom grow up in remote locations without local friends their age and a Jewish environment. The Kinus gives them the tools to do their Shlichus proudly.”
Kinus Directors Rabbi Moshe Chaim and Nechama Dina Dubrowski coordinate this massive effort with an eye on the details. “It’s a time for them to enjoy, learn and join forces for the next school year, and we are doing everything we can to ensure that they will gain as much as possible, both b’gashmius and b’ruchnius,” says Rabbi Dubrowski.
The first day of the Kinus will be a family day for Shluchim and their families in order to allow everyone to arrive get settled and get ready for an intense Kinus. The vast halls of the hotel will be filled with activities and attractions, including game booths, social activities, swimming, mini golf and kosher ice cream (a rarity for many of the children).
During the Kinus, themed “Chazak, Chazak Venischazek,” participants will enjoy lectures, classes and sessions on more than 80 topics, presented by a range of Rabbonim, Shluchim, Mashpi’im and professionals who will share experiences and ideas and provide practical insights and advice.