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Sep 20, 2011
The Most Annoying High Holiday Fruit
A new Rosh Hashanah video promotes JLI’s upcoming course, Fascinating Facts: Exploring the Myths and Mysteries of Judaism. Produced by...

Sep 16, 2011
JLI Teens: Changing Lives
At this year’s JLI Retreat two teenagers from JLI’s Teen program were honored for their leadership initiative. Michael Shaid and Silvi...

Sep 15, 2011
CTeenBecomes Shluchim’s Fast Favorite
CTeen’s meteoric rise in popularity is the stuff of legend. The Brooklyn-basedorganization, with chapters across the country, has become...

Sep 8, 2011
20th Anniversary of fall of FSU Celebrated at JLI Retreat with MBD
After the fall of the Former SovietUnion in 1991, Mordechai ben David reignited Jewish spirit with an eight cityconcert tour, beginning...
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