Our Programs
Leadership Program
CTeen Leadership aims to create the next generation of Jewish leaders by empowering teens to take action.
Together, they used their creative input and talents to develop methods to consistently engage their peers in a fun and meaningful way.
400 teen leaders, 280+ Teens recruited this year
CTeen U
CTeen U offers high school students college-accredited courses that explore the tenets of Judaism. The courses are taught by shluchim at over 100 Chabad Houses. Students taking the classes can earn up to 12 college credits (two credits per course).
8,000+ college credits awarded, 800+ Teens attended courses
Heritage Quest
CTeen Heritage Quest is an awe-inspiring 22-day journey through major Jewish sites in Poland and Israel. Teens explore firsthand what was once one of the most significant Jewish communities in the world and see the devastating effects World War II had on this once vibrant Jewish community. From Poland, the group travels to Israel to discover the significance of our Jewish homeland and contemporary Jewish life.
100+ teens participated in Heritage Quest, 600+ hours of pre-trip Torah study
Israel Journey
The CTeen Israel Journey is a unique 22-day trip to Israel that gives teens a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to explore the roots of their Jewish history at its source. The group travels to Israel to discover the significance of our Jewish homeland and contemporary Jewish life. The group enjoys hikes and outdoor adventures, while expanding their knowledge.
200 teens participated in Israel journey, 670+ hours of pre-trip Torah study
Origin Trail
CTeen Origin Trail is a new, awe-inspiring 22-day journey through major Jewish sites in Morocco and Israel. The group will first travel to Morocco and explore the rich Jewish life that existed and continues to exist today. The group will then travel to Israel and discover the significance of our Jewish homeland and contemporary Jewish life.
100+ teens registered to participate in Origin trail
The annual International CTeen Shabbaton brings together Jewish teens from around the world. Since 2008, more than 20,000 teens have forged new friendships while experiencing the most meaningful Shabbos of their lives. All year long, teens look forward to visiting Jewish attractions throughout Brooklyn, experiencing the CTeen Choice Awards, and singing and dancing at a massive concert in the heart of Times Square.
3,100 teens participated in the annual shabbaton, 30+ countries represented
Hundreds of regional Shabbatons and trips have been coordinated between CTeen chapters within the same geographic region. More than 9,000 teens have thus far participated in these Shabbatons and trips, and over 1,950 teens participated in the past year alone. These trips are a great opportunity to meet and befriend other Jewish teens within the region.
1950+ Teens participated in regional events, 26+ countries represented
TGIS (Thank G-d it's Shabbos)
TGIS is the signature CTeen Shabbos celebration. The International CTeen TGIS event this year united 55 CTeen chapters around the world in their effort to simultaneously keep one Shabbos together. TGIS also features a global 24-hour Torah learn-a-thon, in which each chapter studies Torah during a designated time slot for an uninterrupted 24-hour period.
12,000 teens participated, 55 Cteen Chapters united
For many teens, transitioning from high school to college can be challenging. For Jewish students, this acclimation is heightened with the additional test of preserving their Jewish lifestyle and defying the antisemitism they may encounter.
100+ Teens introduced to Chabad on campus this year
For the more than 200 CTeeners who wished to delve into Torah’s timeless wisdom, weekly over-the-phone study partners are arranged with Lubavitch teens of their own age. Unique friendships develope as a result, which serve as an additional source of connection and inspiration.
200+ Teens paired with learning partners, 3000+ hours of Torah learned
The Meromim Foundation Merit Scholarship fund is a merit-based award for outstanding young men and women who wish to pursue a year of Torah study. The prestigious award has provided financial assistance, often giving parents further incentive to support their children’s choices in pursuing yeshiva study.
40 teens transferred to yeshiva for a year, 25 Teens transfered to yeshiva for a semester
CTeen Jr.
Structured as a fun club, CTeen Jr. offers educational, humanitarian, and social activities. Students have learned about their Jewish heritage, gained leadership skills, given back to the community, all while socializing with friends within an exciting Jewish atmosphere.
4,500 pre-teens participate in programs
CTeen Mitzvah
Whether it's decorating a mezuzah case, writing letters to IDF soldiers, or making a blessing on kosher candy, CTeen's Mitzvah Booths get the good deeds going. CTeen sets up Mitzvah Booths at BBYO IC, StandWithUs Convention, March of the Living, and at the annual Maccabiah Games.
10,500+ teens participated in the Mitzvah booths
Shluchim Resources + Coaching
The Shluchim Lounge provides online resources for implementing CTeen’s programs, reducing costs, and increasing results. More than 4,400 marketing materials, strategies, curricula, games, recipes, and crafts are organized in the Shluchim Lounge.
8000+ resources downloaded